Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My boy speaks :)

I was awaken this morning by a very loud "Hello!". Connor has been trying to say certain words for weeks now and this morning he clearly said `hello' for the first time! Up to now he has been getting close with words such as `haro' lol, but now he has finally spoken a word clearly.
Now that he is walking he is getting into everything. I have had to put little plastic locks on all the cupboards. Its never an empty cupboard he goes for, its always a cupboard that he knows he shouldnt go near lol.
It's getting fun now! :-)

Friday, September 5, 2008

Spending time with my son

I went to the park with Connor today. It's amazing the effect the outdoors can have on a child. He was having a bad day today, very whingy. I took him to the park and he had a ball. We went on the slippery dip and he walked around on the grass. Its really nice to see someone appreciate the simple things in life.